Merapikan notifikasi Telegram dari Wazuh Alert
Melanjutkan tulisan saya di Integrasi Wazuh Alert dengan Telegram Bot | by Bayu Sangkaya | Medium, artikel kali ini saya akan merapikan dan memformat notifikasi menggunakan metode Markdown formatting.
Jika melihat notifikasi telegram seperti ini, tentu akan menyulitkan membacanya bukan?

Webhook dari telegram dapat kita tambahkan dengan formatting Markdown, sehingga alert dari Wazuh pun akan lebih tertata dan enak dibaca. Mari kita mulai.
Kita buat dulu fungsi untuk membuat pesan berisi informasi alert yang akan dikirimkan. Fungsi ini isinya adalah mengambil informasi alert lalu menyusun pesan dalam format Markdown.
def create_message(alert_json):
# Get alert information, use empty string if field didn't exist
title = alert_json['rule']['description'] if 'description' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
description = alert_json['full_log'] if 'full_log' in alert_json else ''
description.replace("\\n", "\n")
alert_level = alert_json['rule']['level'] if 'level' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
group_array = ', '.join(alert_json['rule']['groups']) if 'groups' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
groups=group_array.replace("_"," ") #replace underscore with space, otherwise it will produce a parsing error message
rule_id = alert_json['rule']['id'] if 'rule' in alert_json else ''
agent_name = alert_json['agent']['name'] if 'name' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
agent_id = alert_json['agent']['id'] if 'id' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
agent_ip = alert_json['agent']['ip'] if 'ip' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
src_ip = alert_json['data']['srcip'] if 'srcip' in alert_json['data'] else ''
# Format message with markdown
msg_content = f'*{title}*\n\n'
msg_content += f'_{description}_\n\n'
msg_content += f'*Groups:* {groups}\n' if len(groups) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Source IP:* {src_ip}\n' if len(src_ip) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Rule:* {rule_id} (Level {alert_level})\n\n'
msg_content += f'*Agent:* {agent_name} ({agent_id})\n' if len(agent_name) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Agent IP:* {agent_ip}' if len(agent_ip) > 0 else ''
msg_data = {}
msg_data['chat_id'] = CHAT_ID
msg_data['text'] = msg_content
msg_data['parse_mode'] = 'markdown'
# Debug information
with open('/var/ossec/logs/integrations.log', 'a') as f:
f.write(f'MSG: {msg_data}\n')
return json.dumps(msg_data)
Output dari funsgi ini adalah arraymsg_data yang berisi Chat ID, Text, dan Parsing mode. Ketiga hal tersebut menjadi parameter dalam POST message melalui webhook Telegram. Sehingga saat dikirimkan, pesan sudah berformat Markdown. Hasil pesannya adalah seperti ini:

Jika text tertata seperti itu, tentu saja akan lebih mudah dibaca bukan?
Source code full bisa dilihat di bawah ini.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import hashlib
#CHAT_ID="-xxxx" --- change with your chat id
def create_message(alert_json):
# Get alert information, use empty string if field didn't exist
title = alert_json['rule']['description'] if 'description' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
description = alert_json['full_log'] if 'full_log' in alert_json else ''
description.replace("\\n", "\n")
alert_level = alert_json['rule']['level'] if 'level' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
group_array = ', '.join(alert_json['rule']['groups']) if 'groups' in alert_json['rule'] else ''
groups=group_array.replace("_"," ") #replace underscore with space, otherwise it will produce a parsing error message
rule_id = alert_json['rule']['id'] if 'rule' in alert_json else ''
agent_name = alert_json['agent']['name'] if 'name' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
agent_id = alert_json['agent']['id'] if 'id' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
agent_ip = alert_json['agent']['ip'] if 'ip' in alert_json['agent'] else ''
src_ip = alert_json['data']['srcip'] if 'srcip' in alert_json['data'] else ''
# Format message with markdown
msg_content = f'*{title}*\n\n'
msg_content += f'_{description}_\n\n'
msg_content += f'*Groups:* {groups}\n' if len(groups) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Source IP:* {src_ip}\n' if len(src_ip) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Rule:* {rule_id} (Level {alert_level})\n\n'
msg_content += f'*Agent:* {agent_name} ({agent_id})\n' if len(agent_name) > 0 else ''
msg_content += f'*Agent IP:* {agent_ip}' if len(agent_ip) > 0 else ''
msg_data = {}
msg_data['chat_id'] = CHAT_ID
msg_data['text'] = msg_content
msg_data['parse_mode'] = 'markdown'
#Debug information
with open('/var/ossec/logs/integrations.log', 'a') as f:
f.write(f'MSG: {msg_data}\n')
return json.dumps(msg_data)
alert_file = open(sys.argv[1])
hook_url = sys.argv[3]
# Read the alert file
alert_json = json.loads(
# Send the request
msg_data = create_message(alert_json)
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8'}
response =, headers=headers, data=msg_data)
print("telegram : ",msg_data)
#Debug information
with open('/var/ossec/logs/integrations.log', 'a') as f:
f.write(f'telegram response: {response}\n')
Selamat ngoprek.
Merapikan notifikasi Telegram dari Wazuh Alert was originally published in Cyberkarta on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.